Dippdnchocolate VS iAm4rmJupiter

28 Jul

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

1) In your opinion, why do women go searching for someone else when the guy that cares about them the most shows them all the attention? (Leaving their options open)

*Answer: I believe women go searching for someone else even when they have a guy tht cares and shows them all the attention because they simply love attention. They like to see different men wanting them and if they feel they can have it all they will try and have it all. Another reason could simply be because she really doesn’t want the guy she has.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

1) why do men cheat, go searching for new “pussy”, entertain other women ( flirting on IG/ twitter) when they have someone loyal, loving, caring and everything they want in a women at home? Is it the thrill ?

Answer: Honestly, I think it is the thrill. I know some men that will be in relationships just to test the water to see if they still got the juice. By testing the water, I mean flirt with other chicks through social media. Now cheating, maybe the spark in their relationship died out. Some men simply just can’t let go of his lady that’s been there for him. It’s difficult to break down, but we never wanna lose her even when we do fuck up. Majority of men have a girlfriend that shits on the chick he’s cheating on her with, she just probably shows him more attention and/or her sex could be better. But her heart ain’t so he knows not to connect with her on a heart to heart level. Women will always say “men cheat because they’re stupid” granted, there’s always gonna be a reason why we cheated. Even though it’s not right, men cheat just to try something new in my opinion. See what other fishes out there have to offer.

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

2) How do you feel towards the side nigga/side chick roles presented in our generation? And could you see yourself playing that position?

*Answer: side nigga/ side chick roles are one simple word triflin. Now when you willingly know your a side joint you have no respect for yourself that’s men and women of course women get frowned upon for being side pieces and men get praised cause to them it boost pride and ego but for females their whores, hoes, stupid and all that. I feel nobody should put them selves in that predicament karma is real simple as that. You’ll never really be happy nor will anybody respect you as a person and try being in a relationship if ppl know you were a side piece willingly nobody will take you serious. You’ll always be somebody’s side piece. As for our generation shoot both men and women give their main and side joints the same treatment so really people just be in multiple relationships at once lol ! I could never see myself in that position because i simply will not knowingly share any thing let alone a man. I’ll break my own heart and hurt my own feeling before I allow myself to belittle and disrespect myself as a woman. Now you see me saying the words ‘knowingly’ and ‘willingly’ I say this because well sometime people be side joints and don’t even know it . Now those you can’t get mad at cause if they really didn’t know then they aren’t at fault but when they find out and continue on is when they have messed up.

• Follow up question to that, how do you feel it will affect the next generation?

*Answer: it’ll effect the next generation simply because by then it’ll be looked at as the norm. Something that everyone will probably do and it’s all good.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

2) As a man what is your honesty policy ? as soon as you mess up do you tell your significant other? Do you feel that is they don’t ask and you don’t say anything it’s not lying because well they didn’t ask ?

Answer: My honesty policy is simple as can be, give it to me straight no chaser. Telling me the truth will NEVER hurt my feelings. You lying to my face or through a text will make me lose all respect for you. It should feel that way with anyone. Even if I do something behind my spouses back and didn’t tell her, yes…I’m still lying to her. I have been in plenty of situations where I did dirt and didn’t acknowledge it to my lady and sure enough karma bit me in the ass. I learned to just tell it how is now just to avoid any sticky situations.
Fellas, if your girl ask you a question 9/10 she already knows the answer. Keep it G at this point. But to me, your mate is weak minded if you’re honest to them on a situation like that and rather than break up with you & let you go, they rather look for ways to hurt you and scar you. I do think people should bring it up when they mess up, but will they? Probably not, especially men.

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

3) What would say our generation is lacking in when it comes to building or keeping a relationship for it to end at the drop of a dime?

*Answer: when building and keeping a relationship out generation lacks honestly, loyalty, chivalry, communication and most of all friendships. Nobody wants to really get to know eachother and be friends they just wanna fuck and then build from there. And that is exactly why and where it will end at the drop of a dime.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

3) Other than a pretty face and nice ASSets what are the qualities most men ( and yourself ) look for in a woman?

Answer: I can’t speak for all men, but for myself…I’m a Sapiosexual. What that is is someone who finds intelligence or the human mind attractive. I do know some men that are more interested in a woman’s mind, but majority of men in our society don’t care for that much about women. They would rather get in and get out and tell their niggas “yeah I hit that last night”. I rather meet someone that can make me look up a word I don’t know what it means and learn with her. I don’t want no girl that’s proud to show her treasures to her TL off a DJ Zetti RT. Now I’m not saying all ugly girls are more intelligent than cute girls, but having a brain that you can bring to table is always a win. But quality wise, we don’t expect much. Just a woman that will hold us down, believe in our dreams, someone who will find a result in an argument rather than keep arguing. Beauty & brains.

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

4) What is that you women want out of us men? Like what’s the main traits do you ladies feel you need when it comes to a relationship?

*Answer: what we want from men is really simple SECURITY, LOYALTY, GOD FEARING, SENSE OF HUMOR, RESPECTFUL, AMBITIOUS, GOAL ORIENTED. When it comes to a relationship you need all hose things and many more a couple that prays together can overcome anything, loyalty no woman wants to always have to worry about her man stepping out on her, flirting etc, security , ambition and goal oriented that’s simple nobody wants to struggle forever you want to live lavish with your man and if you decide to start a family you want your children to have what you didn’t and more. It’s not about the money per say it’s about it having to worry about anything. A man is suppose to provide even if you’re an independent woman you want your man to have the ability to provide.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

4) who do you think lacks communication skills more within a relationship. Men or women ?

Answer: Women. I’m sure women will say men, but to each it’s own. Women’s communication skills suck. When shit hit the fan, women tend to shut down to their mate. The silent treatment. A woman’s silence are her loudest cries for help. Rather than trying to talk to the person they need to solve the issue with, they’ll go against the grain and look for someone else to talk about it with. If anything, a man will try to talk to his girl and mend the situation. Me personally, I have to say women will lack in communication.

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

5) Could you see yourself married to a man that was making less than you? Why or why not?

*Answer: I could definitely see myself married to a man making less than me. why? Because money isn’t everything and if we have some good shit going im not gonna mess up just cause I’m the bread winner. As long as he’s a not a bum, sitting on his ass not doing anything . When he does that then we’ll never go further I will not tolerate a grown ass bum but if he’s getting it then I can do nothing but respect him and push him to be greater.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

5) as a man which type of cheating hurts the most ? Physical or emotional..

Answer: As a man, I would have to say emotional cheating. My last relationship was the most emotional relationship I ever been in, so I learned a lot. If my girl can cheat on me by spreading her legs to another man, she had to do it out spite. If she’s ok with disrespecting our relationship so low that she gotta sleep with another man, she’ll do it again. It won’t hurt that bad to find out my girl was a discreet hoe. Now if my girl goes to another man or her “bestfriend” for advice, she’s looking for a way out. She’s looking to build with someone other than me. Finding out your girl is losing her love for you and opening up to someone else, can scar a man. Emotionally speaking. Cheating is cheating at the end of the day, but knowing how deep emotionally cheating is, I would be more hurt if my girl shared her feelings and the insides of our relationship to a man than fuck another man.

iAm4rmJupiter Asks Dippdnchocolat3

6) In Your Opinion, why do women keep messing with the guys that are assholes rather than the nice guys? Is it cause they need someone that can keep them in place and not a pushover?

*Answer: let me clear this up just because a man is an ass hole doesn’t mean he isn’t a “nice guy” or good guy ! Me myself I’ve always dated / talked to ass holes I like them and the sarcasm that comes along with it to me it brings a type of sense of humor to the relationship. They often keep it real with you. Now the disrespectful ass holes i don’t know why any female would want that but some do . Every female has an attitude and smart mouth so yes we need someone that will not let us run over them because if you allow us, like any human we will definitely do it.

Dippdnchocolat3 Asks iAm4rmJupiter

6) Will you be willing to fix a relationship after being cheated on ?

Answer: Ha!! Hell no. I have went through entirely too much to be with someone who wants to cheat. I have learned a lot from my past relationships to be a better man that I actually know I’m worth more than what people expect. If you’re gonna cheat or know you’ll end up cheating, stay single. Don’t waste my time cause you’re “unsure” of what we are. I’m not perfect but definitely a work in progress. I know I’m not worth getting cheated on. Love or not, she cheats on me I love her enough to let her go and be free. You can’t respect OUR relationship, why would I want to put effort into fixing it? This is how I would want my girl to feel. I know how it feels to get played and then gotta make a decision to fix the problem or erase the person out your life for better. I’ll erase you like I never you.

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